May 2, 2008

Queue up

Despite my continued efforts to trim it, my Ravelry queue seems to be settled at around 30 projects. I've tried to be ruthless and deleted projects that were unlikely or too similar to others (how many cabled, hooded cardigans am I really likely to knit?) but I've just added others. I'm not sure why this troubles me.

There are ten sock patterns in my queue - my hope is that sock patterns, like sock yarn, don't really count. More curiously there are three vest patterns. I cannot recall the last time I wore a vest and am not even sure I'm a vest person. Apparently I aspire to be. There are four cardigans, but I already know that I'm a cardigan person. And though there has been a dearth of serious lace knitting lately there are still quite a few such projects on the list.

So much knitting, so little time. Is this what Jenny and Nicole mean when they talk about the knitting fantasy life? At least the queue also contains some accessory (read small) projects that may find their way onto the needles in the coming months.

The real bad news? My next two large projects, the ones that must both be done for the beginning of July....I never bothered to queue the pattern for either of them.

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