August 15, 2008

Friday Yarn Pron

Noro edition!

The hat I knit last winter in Noro Kureyon was a big success so I figured it would be worth stashing a few more balls of the same colourway. Mittens, I think. These two skeins (bottom) turned up at River City Yarns in Edmonton.

River City is such a great shop and has a great selection - a lot of the standards but some yarns that I've never seen in the flesh as well. The staff is great and friendly too. I wish this shop had been around when I lived in Edmonton back in the dark ages.

We spent a day in Calgary as well and stopped by the Make One studio, which I hadn't even seen since it's expansion. Amy wasn't around that day, alas but we had a nice chat with Sandra (Hi Sandra!) and couldn't resist adding this skein of Kureyon Sock (top) to the 149 collection.

That was actually the second skein of Kureyon Sock that I acquired on that trip; the first was gifted to me earlier in the week. Strangely I would never go and deliberately buy and wear crazily mis-matched purple stripy socks but I can't wait to knit this into some for myself. Yet another knitting mystery.

Kureyon Sock 188 Thanks Mom!

There is more vacation stash to be shared, but I think I'll spread it out a bit in hopes of actually getting back to regular Friday postings.

In Ravelympics news once I got settled with the new pattern my pace picked up nicely. Sock one is past the heel and if I can get it done before Monday I think I still have a chance to finish the pair on time.

So far this is the most accurate shot of the colours in this sock - it's vexingly difficult to photograph. It's going to be a busy few days with friends visiting from out of town and lots of planning for the move but if there is knitting time to be found I will find it.

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